really...where does time go?
I'm so excited to start a new year... each day more and more ideas filling the head.
I'm so proud of where Ravissant got to in six short months and I ticked off alot more goals than I expected to.
I did a market - I was so scared, I loved it!! I've gained so much self confidence and achievement, it amazes me.
As I created my first piece for 2011 the other day I was reluctant fearing I wouldn't enjoy it as much - but I still had it, the tingle was there and I adore it!
You can't stop me now and there are loads of exciting things planned for this year.
I've just completed my first wholesale order and its about to be sent to Adelaide...what a buzz!!
So this year ...what will it bring, I can hardly wait to find out
Already the orders are rolling in...I think we are in for a busy year!!