

some additions

Being sick this week has killed me, I couldn't create!!!!! So today I got busy and I have a few to show you -
These two are orders so I've set them up for approval before securing. 

These are gifts for my nephew and niece. I wasn't going to do initials but the smaller frames needed something extra. I'm in love with the fairy and don't get me started on the glitter paper!!
This is a Parisian theme I have going on...the French Maid! My mum wants her for her ensuite. I'm glad its proving to be versatile art...babies, children, teenagers, young adults and now nana!


boys boys boys

Today I visited the Papercraft Expo - and came home inspired. So I created a few gifts for the nephews to trial out....having trouble with glue if anyone has suggestions!!!

There are some more on my facebook page :)


the beginning

well everytime I go shopping I have trouble buying my son something different and special... a few trips to the markets and I started thinking what could I make... trust me I'm not a sewer, can't paint but love detail and paper......
so after talking to different people I thought why don't I give paper art a go - something for boys, something for girls and no real age barrier...perfect
Oh the name -'s French for "as pretty as a picture"
my head is full of ideas and I can't get creating quick enough... I now have a purpose, a hobby...
so lets see where this journey takes me