


I use to be such an organised person much so I think it affected my health. So I let that slide but I can't handle disarray. Slowly slowly I'm building myself up to an acceptable level of organisation. Not sure the hubby is happy with all the changes - ask him how many times I move things around!!
Started an addiction to blogs which has lead me to the most amazing finds - i heart organizing and the organised housewife
From there I've amended my routine & meal plan list to this:

By framing it you are able to use a whiteboard marker to tick off duties and write menu each week - I have 2 boxes for menu planning as our kids are the world's fussiest eaters! I'm impressed - just have to put it in to practise now!!!


what else...

I decided to donate to Light the Night auction (Leukaemia Foundation). The winning bidder & I came up with this very cute pic. Pink & purple are so pretty!!

Trains for a special boy in Melbourne

I am now planning for the markets, my first time!!! Pretty excited to be joining The Mummy Tree with the launch of their new markets on Oct 31. Trying to come up with creative ways for signage, thinking about how to make the table oh so pretty. Trying to decide how many pics I need to make.

Lots going on.....

So the next masterpiece was to create a little girls pic with fairies, toadstools and butterflies in whatever colour or design I liked....... as I had so much free rein on this I found it difficult, only because I was worrying if what I like is what the customer likes!! The challenge was to also step away fro my repeated pattern and actually put all these subjects together in one frame....I've named it the fairy garden and I don't mind it.....

The owl has been done for my sisters nursery - she picked a great combo of patterns and colours

now this one - I might just need to keep....I adore!!
Prob not the best helper you could have!!!